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Our Experience:

We are highly experienced in developing products which effectively cleans various gun barrels, removes rust from the bore, as well as residue on ammunition. Applications include cleaning kits developed for naval artillery, naval cannons, aircraft-mounted machine guns, and anti-aircraft artillery for the Air Force!

海軍陸戰隊槍枝麻糖清除劑 公函
Official Correspondence from the Marine Corps for Ever Johnson’s Firearms Rust and Oxidation Cleaner
國防部海軍司令部 槍枝麻膛生鏽清除劑
Official Correspondence from the Navy Command, Ministry of National Defense for Ever Johnson’s Firearms Rust and Oxidation Cleaner
Official Correspondence by Procurement offices from various Navy Units, Ministry of National Defense
國防部採購處 陸海空 憲兵 軍備局 採購公函
Official Correspondence by Procurement from the Defense Procurement office, Army/Navy/Airforce, Military Policy Command, and Armaments Bureau