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Disposable Firearms Rust Pitting Cleaner

Product Overview and Instructions
Before use, apply a few drops of general-purpose gun cleaning oil to the Disposable Firearms Rust Pitting Cleaner and insert it through the cleaning rod. Run the rod back and forth through the barrel for 3-5 minutes. After cleaning, wipe off any remaining residue with a regular cloth. Firearm accessories. Although the product can also be used for rust removal and maintenance, care should be taken to avoid cleaning paint-coated parts.

The diameter of the cleaning rod must be half of the barrel you wish to clean. For example, if the barrel is 9mm in diameter, the diameter of the cleaning rod should be 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the front end of the bore rod may get stuck in the barrel and increase the difficulty of cleaning it. The Rust Pitting Cleaner, it only requires ONE drop of oil.

You may notice a powdery residue after cleaning that can be removed using an air gun or brush. Cleaning the barrel of a firearm is not an easy task as even experienced sold iers can spend 4-5 hours without thoroughly cleaning a barrel. Our practical experience suggests that it only takes about ten back-and-forth movements to complete the cleaning. If the bore and the barrel are extremely rusty, you may need to use more patches for a longer period. If the barrel is severely rusted to the point its integrity is compromised, we advise you to refrain from cleaning the barrel (due to the risk of barrel explosions).

However excellent the grade of oil and cleaning cloth used, or how you diligently spend hours a day for months on end cleaning the barrel with a cleaning rod, there might still be patches of oxidation and rust remaining on the barrel which you might find impossible to clean. These hidden rust spots on the barrel gradually expand horizontally and vertically, corroding the barrel in all directions, resulting in barrel pitting.

Some barrels of long guns have already deteriorated to the point of being irreparable as their barrel walls are extensively corroded or have turned black due to annealing. Trying to restore them to their original condition by cleaning is plain impossible! There’s nothing you can do in such situation👐⋯⋯

It's crucial to thoroughly remove rust and oxidation from firearms to prevent barrel explosions during shooting as they can potentially cause serious injuries to others! Careful maintenance of firearms is no laughing matter, and is essential for the safe operation of firearms over the years! (When used on general oxidation and rust on firearms, apply the product and gently rub for 5-10 minutes to effectively remove rust.)

After changing the firearm or using it for target practice, you are advised to clean it with the product 1-3 times a month to prevent deep-seated oxidation and pitting in the barrel! 

The above video is from a police station in Taiwan, the Republic of China, where police officers were taught how to clean rusty gun barrels.